Man represents soldiers of the Mexican revolutionary army

Mexican revolution day

On November 20 of each year, the important Mexican revolution that led the country to independence is celebrated.

The Mexican Revolution was a great popular anti-landowner and anti-imperialist movement that led to important transformations in Mexico, where there was a supremacy of the bourgeoisie over the institutions of the state.

The feeling of pride among Mexicans was inescapable. People scream loud Viva Mexico! with dignity and deep satisfaction.

Medium format film photography

Women and children represent the rural working community who were the driving force for this important revolution.

Woman in original clothing from the time of the revolution

Woman on horseback representing the group of non-military women who supported the bloody battles of the revolution

Man representing the owners of the estate that proclaimed the total ownership of the lands of the colony.

Women and men representing the militia groups that gathered to defend their lands.

Man represented the country man drinking mezcal in reason of the victory of the Revolution.

Women and men representing the militia groups that gathered to defend their lands.

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